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Guiding Principles

We design our field studies with the end goal in mind. In the development of each program we continually ask ourselves, what do we want students to take away from this experience? How will this experience enrich their lives?  The answers to these questions guide and inspire us to create programs that stimulate the emotional and intellectual growth in students. This is what we want students to return home with:

A Sense of Wonder

Gorgeous landscapes. Fascinating creatures unlike any you have ever seen. Thriving ecosystems. When your experience a place rich in biodiversity, you cannot help but feel a sense of awe and wonder.  This often translates to a greater appreciation of beauty,  a desire to continue exploring, and a call to environmental stewardship.

New Skills and Achievements

Return home with new skill sets, certifications, and credentials as marks of your Field Study achievements. Your continuous, hands-on experience with our professional scientist instructors culminates in practical, real-world learning and growth. Accumulate college credit as you explore the world!


During your Field Study, you will certainly learn a great deal of science. What is even better, however, are the things you will discover about yourself. Watch your passions come to life, gain greater confidence in your abilities, and return excited to make your place in the world.


Traveling has a way of revealing gratitude for the extraordinary and the ordinary. By gaining appreciation for the beautiful landscapes and cultures of your field study site, you will inherently find a new awareness and appreciation for your daily routine at home.

A Bigger Vision of What Is Possible

Explore the planet, a career path, a culture, a language. Suddenly, the world opens up and is more accessible than ever before.  Field Studies are empowering experiences. Students return with new abilities and a greater sense of what is possible for them today and in the future.

Lasting Friendships

Unique experiences have a way of turning “strangers” into lifelong friends. This happens when something is shared that causes each participant to grow in understanding of themselves and the world around them. Travel is a great catalyst for the development of lasting friendships because enjoying something “new” is the norm. This creates enduring positive memories.